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Lawyer 1, Lawyer 2, Lawyer 3..Will the REAL Lawyer please stand up?
2004-08-27 - 2:10 a.m.


The latest twist....Attorney 1 (The one I originally hired and who did all of the transfers, Mom and Dad's paper work, etc...) has his own Attorney I'll call Attorney 2...well, Attorney 2 spoke to me and said that Attorney 1 has hired an outside Lawyer for "ME" and any of the other "families" involved with all this....(at this moment I'm the only client he's dealing with in this case....but he will probably soon have others as they're looking back to 2001....BUT I'm the squeaky wheel that pushed and demanded.....something VERY hard for me to do....but glad I did) a.k.a. Attorney 3...... HE is now my representing me.....working for me, but with Attorney 1 paying for it. Yeah�..weird I know, but I was told today by a Lawyer in my area who gave me a free consultation, that�s it�s not that unusual and that I should �grab it��.He also said Lawyer 3 has a great reputation��Hmmmmm. No longer willing to trust anyone, I looked him up on the web and he�s legit, has several degrees�.Magna Cum whatever��.and has done work for a few large corporations�.So I said okay. At this point he can't tell me a whole lot until he gets a copy of all the papers in my file. He was suppose to have it today, but feels sure he'll have it in the morning. HE canceled my meeting with the investigator from the Attorney General�s Office telling him that I wouldn�t be talking to him until I receive a �Blanket Indemnity� meaning that they can�t use anything I say against me.

Anyways, it�s all very confusing at this point, and I don�t know if it will get much clearer but from what I understand�..Attorney 1 may have used a "gray area" loop hole and the state is not happy about that as it's costing them money (BTW Attorney 1 has been in practice 12 years, specializing in Senior Advocacy Laws�and has also had a 1 hour radio program on every Sunday for the last 2 years�.Sure the government is not thrilled with him pointing out loopholes to so many people) He had some clients sign a paper (Not sure what the form would be called) stating that although the funds and properties were being transferred over to the family member, or gifted to the family member, that they were in essence "holding" them for the person being put on Medical. This is where the problem is. MY problem is that time�With Mom in only 2 days away from dieing�.Dad growing more and more confused� frame of mind�my nerves, thinking, etc.....was completely SHOT! They could have put almost anything in front of me and I would have trusted them and signed it.....and I still don't think they were intentionally trying to pull a fast one. At this point, I don't know or remember if I am one of the ones who signed that paper amongst all the other's I had to sign....there was sooooo much to sign, do, move around, get copies of.....all in the middle of Mom getting ready to die at any moment, trying to take care of her arrangements, etc......I was a walking zombie. a large nutshell.....If I signed it, I could be looking at possibly having to repay the government for what they've paid out for Dad's care...Having to "spend down" and take over the payments of his care.....and I don't know what else. I have looked, but at the moment I can�t find my copies of the original papers. With all the work I�ve been doing around here, I�m not sure where I�ve put them in all the scuffle and stress�.Stupid I know�.but I thought it was a �done deal� and wouldn�t need to access them anytime soon.

I asked Attorney 3 today IF there was any chance I could go to jail over this....expecting a "No way"..."Never happen" etc...

What I got was, "Let's take this one day at a time.....I need your papers in front of me first.....I've seen far worse cases than yours QT......I know you didn't intentionally do anything wrong....You were simply trusting what the Lawyers you hired instructed you to do�.I know you are a good girl and have never been in any trouble with the law.....Once we get the "blanket indemnity" there's no chance of Federal prosecution...But there's a chance that.....if a civil case is brought against you....but let's not worry about that now....I'm going to do everything I can to try and see that that doesn't happen."

I keep reminding myself that these lawyers have a good reputation�.that I found out about them after much prayer�.I�m trying to remain calm�..BUT�..To be honest...I'm not scared...I'm petrified!


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