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Part 2...Update on the Legal Situation.
2004-08-24 - 5:03 p.m.

PART 2: Of today's keep all my friends and well wishers posted....

FIRST:...Thank you, thank you, thank you.... for all your words, thoughts and prayers of support. They mean more than you all will ever know. In an odd way, I have made all of you my "family" I don't have much of one left.

SECOND: As for the legalities of "who, what, where, etc.." that some of you have asked about....This house is the one I grew up in...the only home I have EVER known. At the time of Mom's passing, neither her nor Dad had a Will. The Lawyers I have been working with had me transfer the house into my name. Mom and Dad both always said, and my Brother also heard it, that they wanted ME to have the house as I gave up my life and the possibility of buying my own house because I quite my job 10 years ago to take care of Mom. They knew I love this house, and felt that it was a small way of paying me back at least a little of what I gave. I never asked for it, but it was their wishes...and my Brother had no problems and agreed with their thinking.

The money in the bank??? Welllll.....that really was my at the time of Mom's passing, BUT it also had Mom and Dad's name on the account. It was because if something had happened to me it would give them a way to access it easier as I would have wanted them to have it. The last year or so of Mom's life, Mom and Dad's money had run out, and all that was coming in was my their S.S. checks and Dad's small retirement check. THEIR money I used to pay the household expenses, MY money.....53-thousand something.....I used to pay for Dad's care without them knowing. I have always been good at saving my money. The money that now remains in the bank, and that I have been living off of, is MINE and always was...BUT it LOOKS like it had been Mom and Dad's too.....hard to prove all this. Think that pretty much answers all of it.

THIRD: I called to make sure that the guy from the Attorney General's Office was legit...he is. I then called the office of the Lawyer's and demanded to speak to the President and Owner of the company.....Amazingly...he called within 2 minutes. He assured me that it is just an has happened before...if charges were actually filed, I would have been subpoenaed to answer questions. No suit has been filed at this time, and that there's nothing to worry about.

I posed a question to him.....I said, "IF I were to ask someone to sign a paper stating that the moon would not turn red tonight, but that if it did, they'd pay me $200....that MOST people wouldn't have a problem with signing that as they know they'd never have to honor it, right?...So I'd like a letter from **** (the Lawyer's office) stating that IF these become "official" criminal charges, and IF they are found guilty, that THEY will take over the payments of Dad's care." He said that he'd like me to talk to HIS Attorney about that, and also that HE would be better able to answer any of my questions regarding all this. He said he'd have the Attorney call me today.

Within 5 minutes....the Attorney called me...I posed the same request to him....He again reassured me that everything was fine and that I had nothing to worry about (Of course, that's what I'd expect him to say)....he then gave me his phone number and said that I should call him AFTER I talk to the guy from the A.G.O. so that he could answer any questions I may have....and that he'd put in my request with the Lawyer's office about the letter I'd like to have.

LASTLY: My gut says this will all turn out alright....... Right after Mom's passing, I prayed long and hard for answers as to what to do about paying for Dad's care. A couple hours later, when speaking to a woman in the Accounting Office of the Conv. Cntr. where Dad is at, told me about the Lawyers I hired and how they had helped other families who had been having trouble getting their loved ones on Medical without losing everything they own, or having to "spend down." I knew this law firm was the answer to my prayers...BUT I also did research behind them....calls, questions, the web...all pointing to them being good and "legit". I HAVE to believe this will all turn out alright, I just have to. AND.....After I made my entry to D-Land....I felt a calmness wash over me.....but I will still continue to pray and still ask for continued prayer. AND.....I'm going to be like a skinny dog with a bone that's last meal was a week ago.....I will NOT give up on getting this letter. I don't think it's too much to ask, and if they are sure they have done nothing wrong....there should be no problem honoring my request.

Thank you all again, and Bless each and everyone of you.


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