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Oh Mr. UPS man!
2004-01-15 - 8:45 p.m.

I got a little brave yesterday. Mr. UPS showed up yesterday, and delivered my slipcovers. I offered him a soda, as has become my habit during the summer months when it was so hot. And yes, I know, I�m too darn friendly. I just can�t stand to have someone come to my house and not at least offer them something to drink. Anyways, I handed it to him and handed him my card with my name and phone number on it and said, �I�ve been meaning to give one of these to you. Since I don�t see you as much, and I�ll be going back to work in a couple months, thought you�d like to have it.� He smiled, said thank you, and chatted a few minutes about what all progress I�ve made on the house lately.

One of my friends told me the other day that I�m �Totally Na�ve� when it comes to man/woman stuff. I don�t know if that�s true or not. I do know that I�m rather old fashioned, and am not aggressive enough to ask a man out. There�s nothing wrong with it, it�s just not me. And, maybe I�m stupid, but I can�t tell if Mr. UPS is interested or not. When I pass him in the neighborhood, he always honks and waves. If he�s in the parking lot where I get gas, he always comes over and chats. I�ve casually mentioned that my friend�s band plays every other Wednesday, and that he should stop by some time, but he just said, �Thanks. But, I hardly ever go out during the week.� My friend said that�s the same as saying �Thanks, but no thanks.� And that my giving him my card was �Pretty lame.�

The other day when I was outside and saw him, and he hollered out hello to me. I answered back, �Hey Jeff, how you doing? Long time no see!� He answered and asked if I hadn�t been ordering any more things for the house. I told him, �No, not lately. But you don�t have to have a package to stop by. You�re my friend. You can stop by anytime.� He smiled big and said, �Thanks, you�re my friend too.� And said goodbye and off he went.

I�m not going to make any more attempts. The ones I�ve made can still allow us to say hi, without being uncomfortable. Maybe my friend�s right. Maybe I�m just making a fool of myself. I�m just not sure. I do know that he knows my Mom passed recently, so that might make him hesitant. And I also know that he might not feel right asking out a �customer�. Oh well. Maybe I am just totally na�ve, and making excuses for him to make myself feel better. Guess there�s nothing I can do but wait and see if he takes the ball and runs with it. Probably won�t but at least I won�t have to wonder what would have happened if I didn�t at least try.

Well, back to the little saga known as �My Life�, or as I call it, �As the Stomach Turns.�


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