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Ringy Dingy Me a Little E-Mail
Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

2004-01-21 - 10:43 p.m.

No, I haven�t fallen off the planet. Just wasn�t really sure what to write about. Just didn�t feel inspired to write the last couple of days. Guess it�s a case of the �go-blutz�. You know the ones. When you�re not really sad, bored, or tired, just kinda blaaaaaah! Don�t know why, or what brings them on, they just �Are�. In an effort to feel inspired, checked over some of my emails from the last couple of days. Received on about a man who, while having surgery to remove a mole from his butt, passed gas, which set off a spark, which set his genitals on fire, for which he is now suing because he can�t have sex with his wife. Yet, nothing inspiring there�. So I turned to the dogs for inspiration.

Last night Sweet Pea came in from the backyard smelling like a mixture of really nasty, really old garlic, and a touch of motor oil. Have no idea what it was, but gave her a good bath, two complete scrubbings, checked, and the smell was gone. Went to lift her out of the tub and she just went �Blaaaaaahhhhh� right in my face. A burp that should have come out of a dog the size of King Kong, not a pug. This is when I realized the smell, was not gone, she had EATEN whatever it was. Tried to get her to eat some peppermints, but she was having none of that. So gave her some dog treats, as even that smell was better than the smell of whatever it was that had crawled up inside her mouth and died. On the up side, she had the entire doggy pillow to herself, as her Brother would not go near her. Odd, because I have smelled some fairly pungent odors coming from his back side that could singe your nose hairs if too close. Yet, still didn�t feel too terribly inspired.

Back to the email once again. Wellllll��.started chatting with a man I bought something from on ebay (I know, yes, again) I truly am just thanking someone for sending a package, etc�and they start holding an email conversation with me. All VERY innocent. But��Let�s just say that it inspired me�..but it will have to wait until tomorrow�s entry. I know, rotten, ain�t I? teehee


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