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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

I'm a Rebel!
2003-12-23 - 1:00 a.m.

Was looking through some old papers, and deciding what to keep, and what to toss. I ran across a lymric I had written in High School. It�s kinda corny, but fits this time of year:

Eight Reindeers armed with chainsaws,

Were fed up with all of his laws,

Into the river they tossed,

Each piece of their boss,

They were �Rebels Without a Clause�.

I told you it was corny, but�.It just fits my mood. I�ve been trying to act happy and cheery, and go around with a big smile one my face when out shopping, or around friends, but I fall apart as soon as I get home.

I even bought myself a cute Christmas t-shirt to wear. (Hey Santa, I may be Naughty, but I�m VERY good at it!) I had to buy it one size to fit some parts, but it was too long. Well, I consider that a challenge to myself. Grabbed the scissors, fringed the bottom and attached little obnoxious bells to the ends of each fringe. I love that it jingles with every step. I even planned ahead. I attached larger bells at the top. So when someone glares at me about the obnoxious noise, I just shake my��well, it makes the greatest jingling noise, and makes whoever is glaring, either roll their eyes, or burst out laughing. It was a hit at Wally World today. Although it did cause me to get followed for a little while.

I called my Brother while I was shopping, and asked what size his wife needed. When I had asked for suggestions, and double checked with her yesterday, she had said she really needed clothes. I spent over an hour trying to find something that would be pretty enough for her to wear to church. It�s not easy, because for some reason, if you take a larger size, manufacturers seem to think you don�t give a d**n what you look like. I finally put together three really pretty outfits that I thought she�d like. Well, big brother put her on the phone, and she let me know that she changed her mind, as she�s starting on a diet the day after Christmas, and would rather have a gift certificate from Michael�s Craft store, to take advantage of their after Christmas sale. This was 7:00 at night, and the nearest Michael�s was over 30 minutes away. I decided that since she spends no time on picking out a gift for me (Last year, a fondue set. Now what is a single woman, living at home, and a caregiver for her Mother, going to do with a freaking fondue set! Hey, Sister in Law�chainsaw�.little cubes�..nahhhhh) So, I decided to get her a nice pair of emerald and diamond post earrings that were on sale.

But I will get my revenge. How you may be asking? I found the perfect gift for my two nephews, ages 5 and 6 ���..a portable Karaoke machine! YES!!!! Both Nephews love to sing, the louder the better, and are TONE DEAF!

Yes I have a mean streak at times, but it makes life so much more interesting


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