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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

2003-12-16 - 4:37 a.m.

I�m in a rambling mood, so here goes. Why do I keep getting those annoying ads for Viagara type pills, and penile enlargement pills, when I neither need the pills, nor do I even HAVE anything to use them for in the first place? It�s not like I visited one of �those� sites lately and ended up on their mailing list.

PET PEEVES this time of year: Having all the stores put up Christmas decorations, right after Halloween. DON�T RUSH ME!!! Hearing every cell phone in the mall playing jingle bells (never been fond of that song to begin with.) People who let their kids run wild in the stores. People telling you that they�ve got �a little something� for you for Christmas, but to not get them anything. If they didn�t expect you to get them something, why bother announcing they�ve got you something ahead of time in the first place?

Favorite Christmas gift: Age 5. Grandparents sent a huge bag of home grown peanuts, a jar of honey, with an actual �For Real� honeycomb inside, from their own hives, a big bag of California oranges (only funny because they lived in AL and I live in CA) Grandma made both me and big brother matching pajamas, and Five whole dollars!!!

Worst Christmas: Unfortunately, it will be the one this year. Sorry, but can�t have the best without the worst.

Men: Ventured out for a little shopping at Joann�s Fabrics and Crafts. Every isle I went down, this same man was down. Skipped two isles to see results. Yep, he was there too. He finally walked up and said, �You sure have pretty long hair.� I smiled, turned red, and thanked him. Went wild and wore it down today, instead of my usually shopping style of a French braid. So I was flattered someone actually noticed (okay, so after over 7 years of caring for Mom and not dating, I�m out of practice and a bit rusty at this stuff.) As I walked away, he exclaimed, �I bet your husband or boyfriend really loves it.� Oh man, right attention, wrong man! I looked back and said, �No, but my girlfriend loves it!� No, homey don�t swing that way, but thought it�d be a deterrent. FOOLED ME! His response, �Maybe the THREE of us could get together sometime!� So maybe I�m just being too picky here, but is it too much to ask, at 5�2 ��, for the man to at least be as tall as me? Or that he smells like he�s had a bath sometime this week? On the brighter side, I did get asked out (sort of), he was older than 25, (closer to 55) and he didn�t appear to be married��..guess all that�s some kind of progress for me.

Married: Some of you have read diary entries from olive4ever. Her husband is in the hospital with Pneumonia. What a sweet man. Yes, ladies, he is everything she claims he is in her writings. He�s enough to make you want to slap every X boyfriend you�ve ever had and say, �See! That�s how I wanted you to act!� Not that I�d actually slap any of my X boyfriends. Mostly because some of them would actually like it too much. These two are the perfect couple. She�s just as sweet and thoughtful as he is.

Let�s see now, hmmmm��guess that�s about all I have to ramble about tonight. Just finished making all those little gingerbread people, armed with chocolate blow dryers. They came out very cute, even if I say so myself. Oh yeah, Sasori-gal, they have a Smores making gift basket, complete with a special little toaster, on the website you may want to check out. They have some good deals there. I always check their clearances.

If any of you are a little bored, check-out I think it�s hysterical. It�s about why women prefer cucumbers to men. Hey, maybe this has something to do with the weird ads I�ve been getting��


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