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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

Pepsi hits the spot!
2003-10-13 - 12:25 a.m.

Today, I decided I have earned a day of rest. Of course, that didn't mean I got it, but at least the goal was there. Went to take Dad his medicine, and found him in the halls of the convalescent center wearing a pair of glasses. He doesn't wear glasses. I asked him who's glasses they were. His response, "Mine damn it! Don't you know anything Sherry!" My name is not Sherry, nor do I or he (that I know of) know anyone named Sherry. I smiled and said, "Dad I'm not Sherry, I'm your Daughter." He looked puzzled, and replied, "I can't help it if you can't remember your own name Sherry. I ought to know my own Daughter's name by now! So don't go getting smart with me and try and tell me your name ain't Sherry!" So, for the next hour, I was Sherry. Just rollllll with the punches. I asked once again where he got the glasses and he said the Nurse gave them to him today. I asked the Nurse, and she said he had been wearing them all week, and she thought they must be his. I have noticed that this Nurse, along with some others, seem to take pleasure in confusing the patients. Some of them seem to say things to the patients just to make them more confused, for their enjoyment. I would move Dad to another facility, but 1. Some of the other's seemed worse, 2. It would add to Dad's confusion to move him. and 3. His Doctor, a true Angel on Earth, is directly across the street and visits Dad 2 or 3 times a week because he can simply walk over.

I asked her did she look on his chart and see that he didn't wear glasses? And didn't she notice he hasn't worn any up until now? She just turned her head, and gave me a puzzled look. You know the one, like the old RCA dog?

I finally asked Dad if I could see his glasses to clean them. He fused a little but let me take them. I looked inside, and his last name was on them. I was surprised, and for a moment, actually questioned to myself which one of us it was that has Alzheimer's. Then I remembered that the lady across the hall from Dad has the same last name. I pointed this out to the Nurse. Her reaction, "Ohhhhh, so that's what happened to her glasses. We've been looking for them alllll week!" Dahhhhh! And this is the woman who administers my Dad's medications. It's like the wheel's turning, but the hamster is DEAD!

As usual, before leaving I asked Dad if he needed me to bring him anything else. Fortuantely, by this time, he forgot about the glasses. He asked for a quarter. I asked him why he needed it, and he said to take the bus. I asked where he was going, and he said home. I reminded him that he lived there, but he was insistant. I was too emotionally tired by this time, and decided to just look for a quarter in the black hole known as the bottom of my purse. At this time, the Nurse came back, having overheard the conversation, and said to Dad, "J..., you live here now." Of course, his reply was, "No I don't damn it! I ought to know where I live!" She smiled and said, "Besides J..., you can't take a bus for only a quarter. It cost a dollar." Right on que, Dad looked up at me from his wheelchair and said, "I'll need a dollar Sherry." I smiled, looked at him lovingly and replied, "Well Dad, I don't have a dollar right now, but Nurse Amy said she'll give you a dollar, won't you Amy?" Again, the RCA dog look came over her face. She stammered a bit and said, "It's in my purse, I'll have to get it in a little while." I said, "Oh, that's okay Amy, we'll wait for you to go and get it." She glarred at me, and stomped off. She soon returned with a dollar and handed it to Dad. He politely said thank you. I then said to him, "Dad? Didn't you tell me you had $20 in your night stand (he never did) and some stole it?" "YEAH damn it! Just yesterday!" So I said, "Well, do you want me to hold on to that dollar for you until you need it?" "Yeah, that'd be a good idea." He handed me the dollar, and Nurse Amy looked at me and smiled. I told Dad I'd be back in a couple of days. I turned toward Amy, knowing she was waiting for me to hand her back her dollar, and said, "Bye! She you Tuesday!" and walked out. I have to tell you, the Diet Pepsi I bought with that dollar was the best one I've ever had.


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