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The Stalker
2003-09-19 - 8:32 p.m.

I thought he was in jail. But, my stalker is out again. He started stalking me just 3 days after Mom's passing. A few weeks later, after getting a restraining order out on him, I found out he was arrested for the attempted rape of another woman. Thank God he did not succeed, and I am ever grateful it was not me also.

He pulled up next to me a couple of weeks ago at a stop sign. I was told he was arrested once again. I thought I was safe. I thought I could leave my front door open, relax, and just listen to the trickling sounds of my fountain, and the calming sounds of the latest B-Tribe CD. For a moment, I even relaxed enough to close my eyes and almost fall asleep.

I let my guard down. Fortuantely, I heard the noise of him coming up the wheelchair ramp before he made it to the porch. Funny, all week I had been meaning to hack away at the damn ramp with my Sawz-All, in an attempt to get rid of one of the last painful of Mom be reduced to needing a wheelchair. I am a strong believer in things happening for a reason. Now I know why the ramp remained. In some strange way, I know it was my Momma protecting me from harm in the only way she knew how. The only way she could from Heaven.

I called the Police, but they said they were short of man power, due to a hostage situation taking place about a mile from my house. I guess to them, I'm just not important enough to warrant the man power.

I try to tell myself all this will only serve to make me stronger. There is a great lesson in this somewhere. But, when you are crying so hard, out of fear, that you can hardly see the computer screen in front of you, it's hard to find any true purpose in it, or any lesson to be learned.

Why would I chose to write in my diary at a time like this? It is Friday night. All my single friends are out on dates. All my married friends are too busy with their families and their own lives. So, this dairy has become my friend, my confident, even my Therapist. I know that this will be what will help me to keep my sanity and regain my strength.


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