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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

Sad But True
2008-08-30 - 12:56 a.m.

Ever have one of those days when you have to sit across the table from a 6'7", crying child molester and try and act like, even though you know he�s molested several more children than the 3 he was caught and arrested for, that it doesn�t phase you and realize that he�s a human being too? I am hoping and praying that, at this point, that you all are saying, �HELL NO!�

There are many things with the law that sicken me. Many changes that desperately need to be made. Especially some of the laws involving child molestation. Did you know that, in most instances, child molestation is NOT a �life� crime??

The only reason this man was charged with a life crime was because he drove the 13 yr. old male victim to a different location, defining the crime as a kidnaping. If not, he would have already been back on the streets a long time, just like the last 2 times. Sad, sad, sad.

Sadder still, is that many of these victims grow up to be child molesters themselves. It has a wide spread domino effect.

Some of you may be judging me at this point (that�s your choice) as to how I can sit across from this man, knowing what I know, and them try and assist him in presenting himself to the Board stating why he should be given a release date (actually, hubby, being the lawyer, does the presenting, but I help from the �background�). Welllll.....I have a little secret to tell you. We don�t always do our job the way most in our positions would. Usually I, or sometimes hubby and I both, will sit with our �clients� for about 30 minutes, go over what all they�ve done to better themselves in prison, and tell them the ins/outs of what to expect and how to best present themselves. But, I told hubby back when I first started working with him, that I couldn�t do it that way with either rapist or child molesters. That instead, I�d have to do it my own way. Surprisingly enough, he agreed, and loved me all the more for taking a stand.

I sat with this man for over an hour. I asked if he realized he had a mental illness, that he needed help, and that he belonged in treatment and therapy, not on the streets creating more victims who would later, do to others what he�s done to them. He burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, and agreed. He even thanked me for my bluntness and honesty. I told him that, instead of going in to the board and asking to be released, that hubby would prefer to go in and present the fact that, he realizes he has an sickness and that he needs help. He agreed, and when hubby came back into the room, he began to cry and beg hubby to try and get him the help he needs.

See, hubby, as his attorney, can not �get by� with what I did as easily as I can. BTW....before going into his hearing, this very large man said to me, �Thank you miss. You are such an angel. Will you please pray for me?�. I told him, �I do better than that. Sit back down and I�ll pray WITH you.�

Footnote: What you don�t know, and what I never, ever, reveal to our prisoner clients....I�ve been a victim of gang rape. Although I was never molested as a child, I have a better understanding of what the victim goes through than most. I also believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe I was destined to do what I do. Laugh or baulk if you wish, but I believe it as much as I believe my Momma in Heaven brought hubby and I together.

California Penal Code, Section 288(a) states that �any person who commits a lewd or lascivious act on a child under the age of 14 is guilty of a felony punishable in the state prison for 3 to 8 years.� Each act constitutes one charge. Section 288.5(a) states that �any person who engages in 3 or more acts of substantial sexual conduct with a child under the age of 14, or 3 or more acts of lewd and lascivious conduct, is guilty of continuous sexual abuse on a child. This crime is also a felony punishable with 6 to 16 years in the state prison.


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