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Revealing Myself
2004-07-15 - 12:01 a.m.

Snippet # 1:

Some of you left either notes or emailed me asking for more information about the �G-Spot Shot� that I mentioned in my last entry. Well, all they said on the News segment was that it was given to enlarge the woman�s �G-Spot� which is suppose to increase the # of Orgasms she can achieve. But I still say, wouldn�t it be less painful on your wallet (not to mention your �G-Spot�) to just open your mouth and TELL your man what you like and don�t like? Please! Or maybe find a listing for a local �Kama-Sutra School�. They must have those right??? Haaa.

Okay, so maybe I�m wrong here as I haven�t dated in quite some time because of the years I spent caring for Mom (I�m open to fix-ups, hint, hint! Haaaa.) But could things have changed THAT much? Of course I don�t claim to be an expert on this subject by any means. I found this link and it took me 3 times to finally hit the right spot. So what�s that say about ME?

Snippet #2:

A couple of you also emailed because of this entry and asked if I STILL resemble �Shrinking Violet�. Wellllll��.Personality wise�� I still turn red easily, sometimes even at my own jokes, olive4ever can attest to that. I am however much braver on paper than I am in person, unless of course I�ve had time to get to know you, and/or I�ve had 1 or 2 Margaritas (2�s my limit.) As far as still physically resembling her�..Okay�..Yes, I will get real brave here�..don�t throw darts�..and don�t hurt my itty bitty feelers with mean comments as I have no confidence as it is (I�m workin� on it, I�m workin� on it!) This is me, warts and all, as you can see, not really 2-cute-2-care. For safety reasons, I will leave this picture here for only one day, then I�m erasing it to protect myself a little better. Are you sure you�re ready???�..Don�t laugh as I can hear it through my computer screen��.

This was taken of Mom and I at a Dialysis Christmas party, 3 months before she passed. And yes, I know I�m not smiling, but it was 10 p.m. and we had to return at 4 a.m. for her Dialysis session, but she really wanted to go, sooo��I was bored and exhausted.

Snippet #3:

I think I was kind of proposed to today, but I�m not quite sure. Guess that�s pretty bad when I can�t tell for sure. Haaa�. But think I leave that for my next entry, maybe. Think this one was shocking enough for ya�.


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