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Last night I went to Heaven
2004-07-19 - 12:16 a.m.

Last night I went to Heaven. It doesn�t matter if you believe, for in my heart I know it is true, I know I was there. It was every bit as glorious as I had imagined. As I walked along, but actually gliding, down the mirror like path with it�s �Aurora Borealis� colors bouncing and reflecting back off the pale pink clouds, I began to see an unfamiliar face in the distance. A warmth not unlike that of a much-needed hug from a dear and long-time friend washed over me. It was a hug I could feel throughout my entire body as it reached into the very depths of every thought, feeling, and emotion contained within me. It was an embrace I had never felt before, yet was also that I found very warm and comforting.

The feeling continued throughout my journey, and soon the distance�grew closer, no longer distant. No longer was the face before me unfamiliar. I recognized, I knew. Though no audible sound nor movement of lips, non the less the words sweet and clear were spoken and heard within my heart, �My Baby Girl, my darling child, why are you here so soon? I love you, I do, but you are not to be here. Not now, not yet. You still have so much to do and so many hearts to touch in a way only you can do.�

The warmth of a tear trickled down my cheek, as I felt my heart shatter. I didn�t want to leave. I didn�t want to go back. I longed to stay. With my eyes�I begged, I pleaded, but again came the same answer, �Not now, not yet.�

I had to ask, �But when? Please tell me, how will I know?� The answer sounded clearly, but was not the one I had hoped for. �When the time is right, and everything is in place, your heart will not speak, but will sing. You will know my precious Daughter, you will know. Until then, keep my memory in your heart, as I will always keep the sweet memories of you within mine.�

7/17/37�..Saturday would have been Mom�s Birthday�.perhaps the reason for the dream???? I hope she was right.


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