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Fellow Pigs, UNITE!!
2004-01-05 - 3:48 p.m.

I�m �Im2qt2kr�, and I�m a Pig�..

But�.I�m a Proud Pig�a Pig with dignity�a Pig with pride�.From my pudgy little Pig nose, to my �big ass� curly tailed Pig Butt! I shall stand tall, all 5� 2 �� of me, and say to the World�."FELLOW PIGS,UNITE!!!!!

We are FAT,

We are SASSY,

And we are HERE TO STAY!!!!

To the few D-land friends (all 4 of you) I have been blessed with��Thank you all for so many things. But especially for your kind words, and for not scolding me for being so stupid, and for some much needed laughs. When olive4ever first told me about this site, I never would have thought I would need, and enjoy it as much as I have. In the past 3 months, since starting my ramblings here, I have made great strides in rediscovering who I am, and becoming the me I want to be. You all have aided in that quest greatly. But I will also pat myself on the back and take a big bow, as I know that it had to come from determination, and from within.

The old me would have gone into a deep depression, lasting for days,WEEKS, curled up into a little �pudgy-pig� ball, cried my eyes out, and stuffed my face with potato chips and dip, bread of any kind, and spent much time with my 2 friends �Ben and Jerry�. But the new me? I am proud to say that I drove past several fast food places, and stopped only for a diet soda. I stopped at the grocery store, and only bought water, Diet Code Red Mountain Dew (My drink of choice), Diet Peach Snapple, and a big bag of dry dog food (For the dogs, REALLY! Although there are times, when my stomach starts growling, that it�s all I can do to keep from slapping them both away, and�..Never mind, but it could get ugly!)

As far as my �Internet Romeo� is concerned. Well�.I�m not big on enforcing my own revenge, as I find that it takes care of itself. I just know that I would not want to be the recipient of any of the Karma (so to speak) that this guy will be reaping. The only thing I am thinking seriously about doing, is this. I have saved his email address, and in approx. 6 months, I look forward to sending �After� shots of me, with the simple heading �TOO LATE�. Don�t know that I will ever do it, but in my mind, I take great pleasure with the thought. It shall serve, as yet, another form of inspiration to keep me motivated, and focused on my goal.

Some day, when I can figure out how to add pictures here, I will also be proud to show my before and after photos. Not because I�m some gorgeous raving beauty, (which I definitely am not), but to show that I didn�t let people like this dictate who and what I am. And to show how much I have appreciated all the love and support I have felt from my fellow D-landers. Thank you, and �Bless You� one and all (all 4 of you)!

And To you �Mr. Internet Romeo�, and all who are like you out there, �WATCH OUT, �CAUSE MOMMA�S SMOKIN� NOW!!!!�


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