
Miss Hiss - 2009-04-22 11:56:39
You know, even given all the "prairie oysters" I have rampant access to 'round these parts durin' calf castratin' times, it's never occurred to me to slice 'em up and layer 'em on a pizza. And now I'm sittin' here wonderin' why that is. Love, R xxx
Poolie - 2009-04-22 12:14:28
Fry them up on the grill with some spicy peppers and call them Great Balls of Fire!
Rosie - 2009-04-22 20:55:27
Interesting that you got comments from the two vegetarians on here, and now from me, the honorary raw vegan. <p> All i can say is that they look larger than I thought they would be, but I have no desire to eat them...erm, I mean, ingest them. You know what I mean!
boxx - 2009-04-23 00:22:42
Nuts are a good source of protein, but I'll skip the meat & balls. (100% vegan here)
terri t - 2009-04-23 18:02:07
Bet that BallBuster game would never make it nowadays.....Some politically correct group would be all over that name and the implications..... I can hardly wait for the next informative blog you have for us...
Cosmic - 2009-04-24 04:23:14
No vegan her, believe me, but I saw the pizza and gagged. I'll stick to pepperoni, thanks.
LA - 2009-04-24 12:43:03
Disgusting and hilarious! ~LA

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