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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

You want me to put my mouth WHERE?
2004-02-16 - 10:49 p.m.

I was making myself a grilled cheese sandwich tonight, and right before I threw it in the skillet, the piece of cheese fell out, right on to the floor. It was the last piece of cheese left in the house, and I REALLY wanted that grilled cheese sandwich. I picked it up, studied it, and went through the thinking process of should I or shouldn�t I:

1. It IS the last piece.

2. I really want a sandwich.

3. No one SAW me drop it.

4. I DID just mop the floor.

Yes, damn it! I did make myself a sandwich out of it. And I�m not ashamed of it. And it was just as good as I had imagined it would be too. So there!

I started thinking about how odd people can be about such things. Not wanting to eat food after someone else has taken a bite. Not drinking out of someone else�s glass. Not eating something after it has hit the ground. Ironically these same people have no problem with kissing someone they hardly know, and even going as far as to stick their tongue down the other person�s throat. Now what kind of senses does that make? Where do we draw the line?

Some of these same people who will refuse to drink out of a public drinking fountain, will do something that could be viewed as even �stranger� if you think about it. These same people will perform and/or have performed on them, the act of Oral Sex. Now how strange does that sound? Don�t get me wrong�I�m not saying that there is anything wrong with French Kissing, or Oral Sex. In fact, if I remember correctly�..well, never mind. I won�t go there�.not in this entry anyways. But still�think about it. You�re willing to put your mouth on someone�s genitals, but not eat a piece of food that has touched the ground????? What�s wrong with that thinking?

By the way�Who ever dreamt up this stuff? I�m not knocking them or anything, I�m just wondering where someone first got the idea that it would be a good idea to stick your tongue down the throat of someone you love, or to put your mouth in the same area people excrete body fluids. AND, then sometimes turn around, after having their mouth there, and AGAIN stick their tongue down that person�s throat. Amazing! And I won�t EVEN get into the thoughts that must have gone behind the act of Anal Sex.

But as long as I�m in that general area, I will tell you this. For those of you who read my last two entries�I decided to buy a new �Boop� tongue ring. I knew that I did not want to go through what it would take to retrieve it. And that no amount of rubbing alcohol, or hours of boiling it, if I DID retrieve it, was going to be enough to get me to put it back in my mouth. The other stuff�.Welllll��.But definitely NOT that tongue ring.


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