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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

In a Mood!
2009-02-06 - 10:28 a.m.


Have you ever gotten so ticked off that you just wanna slap somebody, but you don�t, because you know they�d probably like it, and you don�t want to give them any pleasure when their dishing out a buncha crap to you???? Well, have you? Perhaps it�s only my little mind that works that way.

Well, QT�s had it! I�m now speakin� up, and lovin� it.

FIRST CASE: We had our first club meeting of the year a couple nights ago. As some may remember, I was President of this club last year. Anyways, I walked in the door, and sitting right inside was the new President. As soon as she spotted me, she jumped up out of her seat and started yelling, �You need to answer your emails!� I told her I didn�t know what she was talking about as I answered her last one. �Oh no you DIDN�T! I told you to let me know if you two were coming tonight or NOT! I need the microphone and badge machine TONIGHT, and I BET you don�t have it!�
I stared her dead in the eyes and said, �First, why don�t you sit down, dry off your feet, and rest up a bit. I know, being as perfect as YOU are you MUST be tired after walking on water all day. Second, don�t you EVER yell at me like that again, and third, you�re lucky you�re not a betting woman because you would have lost that bet. I DID bring the mic AND the machine so get off my ass!� Small Disclaimer here: For those who don�t know me well, I am normally soft spoken and easy going, but sometimes.......

SECOND CASE: I had one of our clients (Lifer Inmates) bold face lie and tell a Commissioner (he runs the hearings that determine if an inmate will be released) that I had tried to trick him into signing a form stating he was not ready for his hearing. Now normally I don�t speak during the hearings, just observe. It is hubby�s job to represent these guys...and if I HAD done such a thing, it would be his butt on the line. Fortunately, this particular Commissioner knows me and is fond of me. He asked me if this was true, and I told him not in the least. The inmate started yelling, �That Bitch is lying! She did too try and trick me but I told her I wanted my damn hearing!� Again, the Commissioner asked me if I knew what he was talking about. I told him, �Because of Attorney/Client confidentiality, and acting as Paralegal to Attorney Hubby, I too can�t reveal what was said between us, but I can tell you that Officer S. was in listening distance and is not under the same rules of confidentiality.�
The Commissioner turned and asked Officer S., who told the Commissioner, �He asked her for a hand job under the table and she told him the only thing he�d get from her under the table was a swift kick in the nuts if he ever spoke to her like that again. He told her she�d be sorry she ever said that, so I think that�s why he�s saying that.�
The hearing continued, and needless to say, the inmate didn�t get a release. Instead, he got a 15 year denial. Did I mention he was in there for rape/kidnap??? I always forget to mention that part.


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