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Mariachis and Ugly Hawaiian Shirts
2009-01-18 - 11:16 p.m.

Growing up, I always hated that my brother�s birthday was so close to mine (His is January 23rd and mine the 24th...we are 8 years and 1 day apart). This meant that we usually had a �combined� birthday celebration. And let�s face it, it didn�t help much that our birthdays were right after Christmas and all that was left in the stores was the stuff they couldn�t sell at Christmas.

Needless to say, I was pleased when I started dating hubby and say that my future Mommy-in-Law had a special celebration for not only each of her kids, but also their spouses. Welllllllll...... by the time January rolled around I found out I was sorely mistaken. Wouldn�t you know it? 2 nephews, AND 2 brothers ALL also have b-days in January. One of the brother�s and I actually SHARE the same birthday. Helllloooo!!!!

Why am I mentioning this? Well, first, because I occasionally like to whine (shut up), and secondly, today was the �January Birthday Extravaganza!!!� Yes, for all 5 of us.

We actually went to a restaurant I liked this time though.

I did feel sorry for the poor mariachi band. They were told to come to our table and sing happy birthday. They started with me, and I pointed to one nephew....they sang to him...he pointed to one of his uncles.....etc.... I know they must have thought we were after as many free deserts we could get (BTW.... they have the best flan EVER).

All in all, we had a great day, and the mariachi band did remind me that the fun seeing all of Poolie�s �Ugly Christmas Sweaters� doesn�t have to stop just because Christmas is over...... this band was wearing the ugliest Hawaiian shirts I have ever seen. Go ahead Poolie, take it and run with the idea! I�ll even get you started:

Isn�t this just the best, EVER?? Not only are they ugly Hawaiian shirts, but they are MATCHING ugly Hawaiian ugly, Mom refused to be in the picture. AND, check out the stud on the motorcycle. Uhhh, baby, uhhh baby!


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