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I'VE HAD IT!!!!!
2008-07-24 - 12:53 a.m.

WARNING!! I am about to vent. I need to, as I�m so furious my hands are shaking. It won�t be pretty. It will be long and boring as all get out to anyone else reading this, but I�m in a mood and need to get it out of my system. So, get out while you can.......YOU�VE BEEN WARNED.

Hubby and I are in a car club (old cars). He and his family have been members since he was 5 years old. He grew up around most of these members. There are over 200 in our local group, almost all of which are now in their 70s and 80s, with the exception hubby, his older and younger brother and their spouses, his older sister and myself. Out of the 7 of us, all but hubby�s sister work full time (she...well, as Vivien Leigh (as Blanche Dubois) said in Streetcar Named Desire, �I have always depended on the kindness of strangers�....add to that and family and friends).

I mention this because I find it amazing, that in a group of over 200 retired people, NONE of them have the time to run for the Board but they all have time to bitch, moan and complain about how those that do, do the job. This year, Hubby is Vice-President and I am President. Last year Hubby was President and I was Vice-President/Tour Director/Newsletter Editor (a 20 page monthly publication)...Did I mention we work full-time? Let me also add to this that Hubby has been President a total of 3 times, as has both his brothers AND his father (I know you�re shocked to see SIL isn�t on this list. Haaaaa). I have continued to do the Newsletter AND Tour Director this year as well.....Again, that�s full-time, not part-time...over 60 hours a week...7 days a week.�s the real venting: (Newsletter Editor bitching) I�VE HAD IT!!!!!!!!! Everybody wants the Newsletter, on time, but nobody wants to contribute articles, photos, stories, etc. Oh sure, they ALL have time to send in their business cards for the free advertising members get (some are quite wealthy and own their own businesses...but no longer run them.), they ALL have time to send in info. to run free ads for cars they want to sell, but not anything to help out. Amazingly, they ALL love to brag to the other clubs that OUR newsletter received a couple of first place awards. PA-LEESE!!!!

(President bitching) I�VE HAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I�m freakin� tired of the Treasurer trying to take over everything and make decisions without putting it to a vote, or, even after a vote, doing it the way he wants to anyways. An example: This club has nearly $300,000 in the bank (they sold the club house and didn�t want to invest into another one.....despite hubby and I warning them they should....long story) The Treasurer has ALL this money in ONE freakin� account.....because �it�s more convenient� and because, �I have my own account there and get a better rate on my account that way�. He didn�t like it, but in January I presented the Board with the fact that the funds are only insured up to $100,000 per person...not even per account as some banks lead you to believe, but per person. With only 2 other members on the board (the �member-at-large� who is his wife, and the Secretary who doesn�t like to rock the boat), I was out voted.

Tonight I receive an email that the Treasurer wants to call a Board Meeting (which is the President�s job to do) and discuss how HE feels we should now put the money in 3 different banks. He doesn�t think it�s now �safe� to keep in all in one bank, in one account. HELLLLLLOOOOO!!!!!!!

(Tour Director bitching) I asked one of our members, who likes to spend the clubs money any chance he gets and look like the big cheese, to set up a special tour that is one of our annual events. The only requirement is that it not be at a particular place (It�s a �hot springs� where there is no TV, Internet, or phones, and a pool of warm water that smells like rotten eggs that is suppose to have medicinal properties) that hubby and I hated. He could set it up anyplace else but there. He commented that he like the hot springs, but I told him, �No, hubby and I really hate it there and if you set it up there, it would be first time the President and Vice-President wouldn�t be in attendance. (Laugh) Seriously, you can choose any place else but there�. What did he do???????? You guessed it. It made the reservations for the hot springs. AND....he took it upon himself to send out emails to all the members and the members of the other club who join us on this tour, and announced it.

(All 3 bitching Simultaneously) I QUIT!!!!! I know it�s rotten. I know in the history of this club that it has never been done, but.......I RESIGN!!! ALL 3 JOBS!!! I�ve decided to call a Board Meeting, discuss the bank accounts (despite everything, I want the clubs funds protected as my last act in office), vote on it, and at the end, I will announce my resignation.

On the brighter side....I have been blessed with a wonderful, supportive husband. I told him my plans and he supports my decision 150%. Not only that, the first thing out of his mouth was, �Way to go Babe! For a Goddess, you got balls! I�m right behind you with resigning too�. Amazing. I told him that I didn�t want to ruin things for him, or cause him to feel it couldn�t still tour with the club, or cause bad feelings with his family, but he said it wouldn�t, and if it did, too bad. What a guy.

OK....I�m done. I�m off my soapbox. I now return you to your usual, calm, im2qt2kr.

(How�s that for being the real me??? haaa)


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