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Curling Irons and Crocs
2008-07-13 - 11:25 p.m.

Curling Irons can be very versatile, especially on the road. No only do I use it to both straighten frizzies and curl the ends of my hair, but on the road, I have used it to quickly iron hubby�s ties, remove small wrinkles on blouses/shirts, fuse on instant hemming tape (for those not familiar, it is like a dry glue that comes in a roll like ribbon and can be used to hem pants, skirts, etc. with the heat of an iron, which melts the tape and fuses the fabric together) and to quickly dry fabric when I�ve had to do a quick �spot clean� after hubby drips jelly from his jelly donut on his last clean shirt.

But, although versatile, Curling Irons can also be dangerous. Especially the ones Beauticians usually use that get extremely hot. I have occasionally burned my forehead straightening my bangs, or my cheek when curling the little tendrils at my temples, or even burned my fingers grabbing it when I thought it was off. But, today was a first. I had started it heating up on the side of the bathroom while I applied my makeup in the other room. Well, I was running late and in a hurry. I went into the bathroom and tripped on the cord, pulling the curling iron onto the floor, and before I could regain my balance, I stepped on the steaming hot curling iron!!!!! Not only did I feel it, I HEARD it, and SMELLED it as it singed the arch of my foot. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

So, this ought to prove to be an interesting week. We have hearing to do this week (at a prison in one of the hottest desert areas...two weeks ago, it was 120 out there). This means I don�t have the option of running around barefoot like I normally do when home. Even though my crocs are usually very comfortable (and my shoe of choice) I think even they will be miserable this time.


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