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The Birth of Baby Man
2008-05-25 - 3:30 p.m.

I love my man, I love my man, I love my man......I have to keep reminding myself at times like this.

I had always thought it a myth, a fallacy, something that women just said.....but I have found out it is alllll true. Men really are BIG BABIES when they get sick.

I knew my new hubby was a bit dramatic, carry on about a hang nail, whine a bit when he had an upset stomach, but MAN! He just had surgery on Monday and, well, I won�t say what kind of surgery he had (he doesn�t want anyone to know) but I can say that when they removed the �pain in his ass�, he has become a real �pain in the ass�.

No, no, I�m not a man basher, nor a total bitch......he�s just driving me a bit crazy. I made the mistake of giving him a little bell to ring when he needed me, and although he can�t figure out how to make coffee, (VCR, no problem, but coffee????) he�s had nooooo problem ringing that dang bell. With all the, �Honey, can I have some hot tea�, �Honey, would you fluff up my pillow�, �Honey, would you set up the sitz bath for me�, �Honey, would you get the flash light and look at my butt and see if you see anything�.......see anything???? What, besides Jimmy Hoffa and a couple stitches????? OK, that one�s a bit bitchy, but I didn�t actually say it..... but I was thinking it.!

Where did I get the idea it was all a myth? My own Dad and Brother. They were wonderfulll patients. All they wanted, when they were sick, was to sleep. Just wake them up when it was time to take their medicine or their soup was ready, and they were good to go. I truly thought that was what most men were like. JOKE�S ON ME! Haaaaaaaa

Well, gotta run, I hear that dang bell ringing again. If he keeps it up it won�t be Jimmy Hoffa they find up there..........Yes, a little bit bitchy...and tired. Have a great Sunday.


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