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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

With All Due Respect
2008-05-16 - 5:06 p.m.

While talking to one of the District Attorneys, he shared a funny story about his first time in court.

He was in front of a very tiny, prim, proper, school-marmish female judge, wearing a little starched lace collar on her robe.

During the course of the hearing, the Judge said something that this D.A. didn't completely agree with. He politey, but firmly (and very nervously) stated, "with all due respect your honor....." She gave him a look that could kill.

Two more times, during the course of the hearing, the D.A. started his sentence with, "with all due respect your honor....".

After the hearing, the tiny judge said to the D.A. to "Mr. D.A., please step into my chambers, we need to talk." As he sat down on her leather sofa, she placed a silver tray of tea on the table in front of him, and poured him a cup. "Mr. D.A." she sweetly said, "Do you know what you are saying to me when you say "with all due respect?"

The D.A. looked at her puzzled and exclaimed, "Well your honor, I'm just politely disagreeing." "NO", she stated firmly, "Don't you have ANY idea what you are REALLY saying to me?". Again, he began to answer with, "Well your honor, if I disagree..." "NO Mr. D.A., what you are REALLY saying is F**K YOU! I ADVISE you to NOT use that term again."

I love this story.


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