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Puggy Momma
2008-05-11 - 4:04 p.m.

This is my first Mother�s Day as an orphan. Yes, you can be over 40 and still feel like an orphan. Momma passed on 03/03/03, and now Daddy, 12/11/07, only 5 months ago today. I miss them both so very much.

I am amongst truly blessed, fortunate few (these days), who was raised in a tight-knit, in-tact family. Momma was my best dearest and closest friend. She was my hero. I will always be grateful for the lessons she taught me. My Daddy, although a man of few words, came home every night, never complained about doing without for the needs of his children, and was always faithful to my Mom. My one regret with my Daddy was that I never got to hear him say, �I love you�. Yes, in many ways I�m sure he did, but it would have been wonderful to hear the words before he passed.

Growing up, other girls longed to be a Nurse, an Actress, etc.... I wanted to be just like my Momma. A wonderful Mom, great cook, seamstress, and so many more things. Although she taught me many of the things she knew (like cooking, sewing, cake decorating, loving kids) I will never be able to be JUST like her. I will never know the joy of having children of my own. Unfortunately, 5 months before marrying new hubby (2 years ago) I had to have a hysterectomy. That was one of the most difficult decisions of my life......a dream I had to let die.

But, with new hubby, came a son. An orange and white short tailed cat named George. Of course, we don�t tell him he�s a cat. He thinks he�s a dog. Seriously. When we walk around the block, he follows us all the way around, both up hill and down. And when I open the dry dog food (for the two puggies), he�s first in line, eating it right out of the bag before I have a chance to pour it up into the container. Although he hasn�t figured out how to bark yet, he does Hisssssssss at the mailman.

So from Bubba, Sweetpea (the two puggies), George and myself, we all wish you a happy Mother�s Day.


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