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I'm back again...
2004-12-29 - 12:14 p.m.

Despite what you might be thinking, I am still alive and kicking hard. Where have I been? What�s going on? Where�s our Q-T? Well Hell! Your guess is as good as mine.

So, let�s see�. when last we spoke I was in the middle of a legal �saga��. that�s still up in the air as all legal maters take time so nothing to report there. I recentlyhad to hire an attorney to protect me should this end up going to trial, and to be in place before the one-year statute of limitations runs out. I had to give him a $4,000 retainer fee�. Yes�OUCH!!! There went Christmas�.. Right now, it�s a matter of hurry up and wait.

I�ve been working hard on the backyard�. and I still have the garage and one room in the house to go. I had hoped to finish all this before going back to work, but with all this legal stuff and the potential to get very, very expensive�I have no choice. I already had to dip into my �nest egg� for my future that I had vowed to never touch. So�. starting next month, I�ll keep you posted on the job search.

Not quite sure what I�ll do as my degree in computer programming is worthless because I haven�t worked in the computer field for so many years. And there�s the difficult task of explaining why taking care of Mom WAS a full time job, even if it didn�t come with a paycheck. Hopefully a future employer can see it as similar to being a stay-at-home-mom situation and see it as an asset vs. a liability to have me working for them. The other problem is that all the companies I previously worked for are no longer in business�..not great for my track record.

And the pups�.My little pugs, Bubba and Sweet Pea� I have now found two NEW things they will protect me from�..besides cats on TV and the Garbage man.....1. Thunder, and 2. Crackling fireplaces. I feel soooo safe. NOT!

Shall I be rotten again? Awwww what the heck, why not?
Okay�.a friend of mine stopped by to see what all I�ve been doing to the house. She uuh-ed and ahhh-ed at all the changes and then said, �It looks sooo cute! It looks so much better than mine does. Do you think I could borrow your house next week for a �Magic Chef�s� party? I�d only need it for a couple hours. You could go to Denny�s on me, and then I�d call you on your cell phone when it�s over.� I looked at her in complete amazement and said,��Wait a minute!�� You mean you want to �borrow� MY house for a party and I�M not even invited????� She told me she had already made out her guest list�.there wouldn�t be room�.and she didn�t think I�d mind because I�m such a �kind and generous person�. I looked at her and said, �Oh SURE! You want to borrow my car? My dogs? Hey, why not my Uterus�.I�m not using IT at the moment either???� For some reason, I don�t know why, she canceled her party. Hummmmm.

So I guess you could say I�ve been in a bit of a mood, but I�m working on improving it and getting back to my old self. That includes getting back to posting D-land entries. This entry is not some of my best writing, but it has served the purpose of filling you all in.
So until we meet again boys and girls�

P.S�.To that �special� d-lander who feels it her duty to email me several times and tell me how she�d never put one of her parents or grandparents into convalescent care�no matter what�..First�walk in my shoes�.second�never say never�.and�..As Mr. Rodgers would say�...�It�s a wonderful day in the neighborhood�.can you say bite-me? I think you can!� Now get a life B***H!


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