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The IRS and PB&J
2004-08-11 - 6:46 p.m.

For those who have wondered�.I�m still around�just kinda �Blah� and stressed. It�s not always easy to find the motivation to write when you feel like someone�s let the air outta your tires.

Example: I had quite a few things planned to do today, but I made the mistake of making a �quick�(dahhhhh) call to the IRS to try and find out WHY, when Dad's check was suppose to be here in another 4-6 weeks (June 24th..6 1/2 weeks ago) the check was STILL not here.

Six phone calls later.... and feeling like a mouse running through an endless maze looking for nonexistent cheese .....I finally get someone on the line who says...."Well, you have to realize Ms. QT, that we have a lot of checks to process here, and that YOURS is not the only one."

I politely told this man, "Listen! I realize that I am NOT the only tax paying American Citizen wanting their refund check. Most have already gotten �AND SPENT� theirs by now. BUT.....I have been more than patient...I have spent a great deal of time making call after call, and quite a bit of money faxing page after page, at $1.50 a page (I don�t have a fax machine), and although I may NOT be the only one trying to get their refund, I AM probably the only one TODAY who has called after 6 more weeks of waiting, and waiting, who's Mother died recently complicating the situation, and who is trying desperately to get their Father's check, their Father who has Alzheimer's and again has lost his wife of nearly 50 years. So right NOW, at this very MOMENT, "I" am the only one you are dealing with, and "I" am the only one asking, WHERE�S MY DAD�S CHECK?"

At this point, I was put on hold and Ms. Johnston, his Supervisor, takes the line....."Ooohhhhh I see that it went through "Manual Refund"...It says that was cut on August 11th and you should have gotten it 2 or 3 days after that....What's today's date?.....Ooohhhhhh......Well you should be getting it by Saturday or Monday at the latest . Thanks for calling the Internal Revenue Service Ms. QT, or is it Love-QT? (My middle name is Love..It confuses people.).... AND if I can be of any further service please call again....Have a WONDERFUL Day!"

BTW...My Brother (a.k.a. the Scarecrow..."cuz I haven't got a brainnnnn...") emailed this a.m. to tell me that if I wanted, he'd take the day off and take me for my upcoming surgery (September 20th). That since the house (meaning mine) is closer, He, his wife, and the two boys could just �hangout� there while I have surgery..and the kids would enjoy playing with the dogs and giving their Aunt Lovey LOTS of hugs after her surgery. Helllllooooo???? Anybody home? Could you IMAGINE what my house would look like??? His wife (nor him) does NOT watch the kids and has lost three, count them 3 VCRs because "little David" keeps putting PB&J sandwiches into them....."It said it was hungryyyyyy!"

So yes, I�m still alive and kickin���Kickin� the �of the next person that�.Never mind, but I'm takin' names. Haaa�

P.S. Either my counter below is wrong, or suddenly I've gotten VERRRRYYY popular...ha.


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