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Tending to Our Lives
2004-07-26 - 9:27 p.m.

While working in the yard today, I was noticing the similarities there are in tending our gardens and tending our lives. Now before you roll your eyes, and chalk this off to just more of QTs ramblings�Please,hear me out.

There�s a pretty little tree in my front planter box. This time of year, it�s at it�s most beautiful in appearance. All covered in bright green leafy foliage, and tiny purple blooms. It almost appears to be smiling as if to say, �Look at me World! I gorgeous, I�m glorious, I�m little but I�m MAGNIFICANT!� But, as with our lives, not all is as it appears to be. Although on the surface this pretty little tree appears happy and healthy, it is at this time of year that it is necessary that it be pruned. If not, it will become overgrown and die. For underneath all the gorgeous bright green leaves, and pretty little purple hearts, is a web of dieing a decaying leaves and twigs. Dieing because they cannot receive the air and sunlight necessary for the to flourish. They are not surviving because the gorgeous out leaves are threatening to choke them out of existence.

Because of this it is necessary to prune away at all that looks good on the surface to the outside world, in an effort to get at what is at the core of this little tree. Once done, the little tree can then re-grow its leaves, but this time, stronger, healthier, and even more magnificent than ever before. Yes, for a while the little tree must go through a change that is not so attractive, not so beautiful, not so pleasing to the world. But nonetheless, it is very necessary.

In some small way, we are all like this little tree. Trying to only show our best to the outside world, trying to hide all that we deem unacceptable. Hiding the things we are not confident to show others for fear of rejection. But to grow, we must deal with both the good and the bad. Repair, or remove that which is not aiding in our growth as better human beings, thus leaving room for our true beauty to fill in the empty spaces where the negative once was.

Yes, it�s very painful, but I know for myself to grow, to become a better person�.it�s time to do a little pruning.


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