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I'm Baaaaccckkk!
2004-05-24 - 10:37 p.m.

Just a quick update as I�m in the process of working on a special, but very difficult entry to write that I will hopefully, be posting tomorrow�.at least part of it.

I was not able to post last week as I was having computer problems. I could still receive emails, but was having trouble getting on the web. I attempted to check diaries a few times but was promptly booted off. So now I have a lot of catching up to do. I have missed you all terribly. You�ve become like my own little web-family. Thank you for that.

So, I�ve told you all of the man who started stalking me 3 days after Mom passed (Mr. Stubby)�..I�ve shared with you some of my encounters with him�..the lack of Police protection against him�..and even that he turned out to be the Defendant recently in the trial I was called to serve Jury Duty on. Well�..finally some good news. He was found guilty of check forgery. Even better�.It was his 3rd strike! That�s it�the ball is out of the field! He�s gone forever! Well hopefully�.there are some recent rumblings in the making to try and change the 3 strikes law to exclude certain more minor crimes�.if this passes�.well, I�ll just worry about that if and when that time comes. It�s absolutely WONDERFUL to sleep through the night (not just 2 or 3 hours)�.not jump every time I hear the phone or doorbell ring, to cringe if I hear the slightest noise outside�..You�ll never know what a relieve it is unless you walked a mile in my shoes.

I�ll close for now as I want to get back to the entry I�m working on. Hasta La�..well, you know the rest!

Luv Ya� All,


P.S. For those of you who sent such sweet notes�..I�m sorry I wasn�t able to respond. But thank you ONE and ALL�..they meant more than you�ll ever know.


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