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Hasta La Wee-Wee!
2004-04-13 - 11:34 p.m.

I haven�t updated for a while, as I haven�t been feeling too swift lately. The adjustment to some new medications has been a bit rough. But, niceguymike left me a note reminding me that it�s been 5 days since my last update, so here�s one just for you Mike.

I went to Dad�s Conv. Cntr. on Saturday. My Brother and his family meet me over there. This was in essence my only �Easter Celebration�. It always does my heart good to see my Nephews, as they�re so excited to see me when I walk in the door. They wait in the hall of the center, and watch the front door. As soon as they spot me, they make a beeline in my direction, running and yelling �My Auntie Lovey! My Auntie Lovey!� This is the closest I get to having two men fight over me anymore, so hey, I take what I can get. This is followed by me setting down whatever I have brought along with me in the way of gifts, scooping them both up simultaneously and giving them several �Auntie Lovey Smooches� (With plenty of Smoochy sounds as sound effects are everything.), and the 3 of us walking to Dad�s room, hand-in-hand-in-hand.

Brandon, the oldest who is now 6 years old, couldn�t wait to tell me that he�s been learning some Spanish in school from his teacher. His Mother (My Brother�s Wife��well, we won�t go there.) rolls her eyes and looks at me with a look that says, �Pleasssee don�t ask him to speak Spanish.� Now I have respect for the woman, as she is my Brother�s Wife. But, what is a good Aunt to do? Of course I did what anyone would do. I pretended to not get her signal and asked, �So Baby, what all can you say in Spanish?� I can count to ten, but Mommy makes me stop after trace. So of course�.�Well, Sweetie, I want to hear you say all ten!� Then he tells me that he�s also learned how to say goodbye in Spanish. Not bothering to looking in �Her� direction. I ask Brandon say it for me. He says, �Hasta La Wee Wee!� Now of course, �She� doesn�t find this the least bit funny, but my Brother and I find it hysterical, and start laughing so hard that tears are rolling down our faces. After I compose myself, I tell Brandon that it�s �Hasta Luego� and ask him, �So Sweetie, tell me, by any chance are they teaching you French at the same time?� He tells me yes, but that he�s only learned how to say yes in French (This answered where the wee-wee part came from.) I ask him how and he says yes in French. �Si!�

Well, that�s about it for now. Until later, or as we say in Spanish, Hasta La Wee-Wee!


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