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Butt Heads!
2004-03-11 - 11:40 p.m.

Is it just me, or does it seem that there has been a recent increased outbreak of people suffering with �Cranial Rectal Inversion?� (i.e. Head up their butt).

Shouldn�t someone really be reporting this to the center for disease control???? Actually they�re not the ones who are suffering with it. We are. As we are the ones forced to associate with them on a daily basis. You know the ones I�m talking about. Those people who think that the 10-items or less sign applies to everyone but them. OR the ones who let their kids take handfuls of lose candy out of the bins at the store, walk thru the store eating it and throwing wrappers everywhere, and then not paying for it. Of course, these are the same parents who think it�s necessary to sample 20 or 50 grapes before buying them to make sure they are Really sweet. OR, the ones who see you sitting there with your turn signal on, waiting politely for someone to back out of a parking spot, and then they swoop in and steel it from you.

Surprisingly enough, even with my handicapped plates, it STILL happened to me today. (And before you ask, yes they are mine as I have problems with my hip at times.) The real clincher was when I saw that the man who stole it from me wasn�t even handicapped. When I got out and confronted him, (Yes in deedie-sweetie, you bet your sweet butt I did.) he laughed at me and said, �You sure don�t look handicapped to me.� Although I let him know that even though he was obviously �Mentally Handicapped� for making such a statement and should have handicapped plates of his own, that I in fact am handicapped despite appearances and that he needed to move his car. He flipped me off and walked away laughing. Funny, he wasn�t laughing when he came out of the store and the Police were giving him a ticket. Hummmm�..wonder who called them? Did I mention I have a cell phone in my purse at all times?


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