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Words and Rednecks
2004-02-27 - 7:42 p.m.

I wish people would stop and take a moment to think and weigh things out carefully before expressing themselves in one form or another. Often times it is done without knowing, or looking at all the facts right there in front of them. It�s so important to always try and consider the �frame of mind� of that person at the time, and also the �heart� of the person from which the words came.

When only a portion of these words, is pulled out of context or even rephrased in the way this person interpreted them to mean, and then expressed to others without giving all the facts�.it can change in definition entirely. The aftermath of such words and behavior can often have devastating effects.

I�d like to say that old saying �Sticks and stones�� but it�s just not true. Mere words, either expressed verbally or on paper, are never JUST words. They are an expression of the inner self, and what is going through that persons mind at the time of expression. Some can be heart warming, thought provoking, or even humorous. While others can be heart wrenching, harmful, and life altering.

I have often been accused of being too sensitive, too caring, too�.. Perhaps this is true. But I would prefer to be accused of these, than to be accused of being completely �heartless� or �deceitful�. The words do not always affect just the person they were about or directed at, but also those who care and love them. When someone who is dear to me is hurting, so am I. When they cry justifiable tears, so do I. It�s the way I am, and I won�t be changing anytime soon.

My love for my friends has always been unconditional. I am not as quick to defend myself as I should be, and can often be found off in a corner somewhere, crying and licking my wounds like a hurt puppy. But I am quick to defend those I love and care about.

This has been a smultzy, thought provoking moment brought to you my im2qt2kr. Okay, off my little soapbox and on to something else.

Who do people think they�re foolin� with those knock-off/wanta-be Chanel/Gucci-Puchi�blah, blah, blah designer purses? PLEASE! If they want to convince me that they plunked down $500 for a name brand purse, then don�t be SEEN out-and-about, carrying one of these knock-off purses while wearing filthy Ked sneakers, Overly- stretched stretch pants, and a grungy too-tight �I�m with Stupid->� t-shirt coming out of Wally-World! If they can afford the purse, then they can afford soap and water! I�m not knocking the Keds or the outfit, but at least WASH it! Am I really suppose to believe that if they can afford to spend that kind of money of a designer purse, that they�d be shopping at the same stores I do??? Please!!

I just don�t believe in trying to appear that I�m something that I�m not. I�m a �fru-fru-frilly-girly-girl GODDESS�, plain and simple. I also come from a long line of Rednecks, but we are PROUD Rednecks, heck I even named my dog �Bubba�! But my Grandma always told me, �You�re never too poor to afford a little soap and water.� Well�.Let me add one little disclaimer here. I did have an Uncle Erastis whose jeans were so filthy; he could stand them up in the corner at night. But outside of that�.Oh, and there was Aunt Bessie who�s idea of washing a bowl was to let the dogs lick it clean, but outside of that�..Well�..okay, SOME of us�.Aww Hell, I�m outta here. Now where�d I put that Spam and Beer I was workin� on??????


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