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baby steps
2003-12-07 - 12:13 a.m.

Have been making some "baby steps" this week, but progress is progress. Considering that I have had that awful cold, with the hacking nighttime coughing, that's going around, I think that's pretty good progress. So I'll give myself a little pat on the back, as there's no one else to do it.

I guilted my older Brother into selling me my Dad's old truck. I should feel bad, as I gave him that since I was keeping Mom's car. I say "should" but I don't. I really needed something to haul things around in, as my MR2 is just to small to hold more than 2 bags of groceries. Also, I asked, and even offered to pay him, to haul off some of the junk I've been tossing from the house, but he was always too busy. Besides, he has another bigger truck, 2 cars, and uses the company van during the week. Soooo, now I can take care of all the things I need to without having to depend on any one else. Mom always said "The only helping hand is at the end of your wrist." I wish that weren't so, but in the case of my

Brother, unfortunately, it is. I love him dearly, but......

I finally cleared out all the paint cans in the corner of the livingroom, and put down the large red area rug, which was a real chore in itself. It's not easy to move all that furniture by yourself, but it looks soooo much better. Another pat on the back for me. (If I keep this up, one arm will be longer than the other!)

Bubba, my male Pug, ran in from the yard so excited! He ran around sniffing the rug and wagging his tail. I turned away for a moment, looked back at him, and his was proudly "initiating" the rug. I grabbed a squirt bottle full of water, squirted him and yelled NO (Not easy with my sore throat.) He gave me one of those looks like, "What? You got a problem with this?" I guess I would have made a terrible parent, because instead of swatting his little curly tailed butt, I just stood there and laughed at the goofy look on his face. Both he and his Sister know I'm a softy and also know that they are just cute enough to get by with murder.

I plan on going on this coming week and buying myself a new sofa and chair for the livingroom. I had planned on getting something used, and buying slip covers for it, but decided after all these years of living with the decrepit furniture I have, I DESERVE to have something new. I'll just justify it in my mind by telling myself that it's not only my Christmas present to me, but that I more than earned it by saving all I have by doing all the work in the house myself.

I know all this doesn't sound like much progress to some, but those who know me will understand. I always have been a giver, and find it hard to do things for myself. These are not actually baby steps for me, they are giant strides. And although I have given up my goal of finishing the house by the end of the year, I can take pride in knowing that I have finished the majority of it, and after buying the living room furniture, I will only have the garage and two bedrooms to go to have the inside complete. pat, pat, pat...


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