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Christmas Mask
2003-11-14 - 12:51 a.m.

Spent the day decorating the front yard. I know to some it is early to be putting out the Christmas stuff, but I felt the need to do it, so I did. Nothing fancy, as I'm not willing to climb on a ladder and hang lights around the roof. Just some of the light up candy canes on the pathway, some greenery twisted around the porch railing, and a few bows and gold globe ornaments added for color. Overall, simple, but I think nice.

I'm not sure why I felt I had to do it. I don't think I'll do anything inside the house, as I'm still in the process of finishing a lot of work inside, and the livingroom really doesn't warrent drawing attention to it yet. I guess I just kind of think of the lights and such as an illusion. The illusion that I'm happy Christmas is coming. It kind of my gift to the neighbors. It's also like the stupid smile I wear plastered on my face. It looks one way, but is actually just a mask to hide behind. One that hides the inner turmoil of mixed emotions and confusions that are now my life.

At least the lights got a small rise out of the old pervert across the street. He's the one who hates the color of my house, and the same one I caught jumping up and down (Maybe 5'4" tall) and trying to peak in my bathroom window at me. When all the lights came on tonight, he just stood in his driveway and shook his head, and exclaimed, "Little early, don't you think?" I just smiled and replied, "Not when it's Christmas in your heart all year round. Besides, I consider it my gift to some of the neighbors who have been so kind to me. They've been a real blessing." He grinned and said, "Ohhhh, that's very sweet. Thank you!" I just answered, "for what?" He didn't get it, so let him think what he wants.


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