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Thanksgiving Aftermath
2008-12-02 - 7:01 p.m.

This was a somewhat rough Thanksgiving for me this year. It was my first without either my Mom or my Dad. I am blessed to still have my brother, even though he was not up to traveling or having company as he recently had to have � of his big toe amputated. I did however, spend it with my new �extended family�, i.e. hubby�s family. They�re sweet people but it�s just not the same.

You see, I guess you could say, I was a bit �spoiled�. Not in the bratty way, but I was the youngest of two and the only girl. Mom and I, when she was still well, would do what we jokingly called �Marathon Cooking�. We�d be up for 3 days straight cooking everyone�s favorite dishes. Mom�s goal was to always have at least one special dish that said �Thanksgiving� or �Christmas� to each person at the table. At times, my brother would bring as many as 4 foster children with him. Add to that the his wife, my Mom, Dad, Myself and whoever I was dating at the time, and the table would groan in pain from the weight of all the special dishes (that�s 9 special dishes for those of you counting, along with the required turkey, dressing, etc...) Mom and I were always so exhausted by the time it was time for dinner that we could hardly stay awake to eat, but it was a wonderful kind of tired. I miss all the laughter, and believe it or not, all the work.....not the washing dishes though!!! I�m not THAT crazy!

Any who......... Let me pose this little question to you....Is it just me, or does it seem logical that 1 pound of chocolate can add 10 pounds to you ass?? I�m just sayin�..............

And finally, thank you all so much for your sweet comments on my last entry (yes, the photo�s now gone). It did my heart and ego good, but I gotta say, I had no idea I had so many vision impaired readers. Haaaaaaaaa......... So as my little thank you to each of you, I have included some photos.
Yankee-Chick , a Santa Horse for you:

boxx9000, (aka, Ms. Bee) a cute little Santa Bee:

ship-jumper, (aka, Shippie) because of your recent triumph with the dreaded dentist, I give you, Santa Tooth:

To my buddy, hissandtell, (aka, hissie) I give you Santa Stud:

and finally, to my buddy poolagirl, (aka Poolie), a contribution to your ugly Christmas sweater contest:

and just for the heck of it, I leave you all with this:


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