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Ringy-Dingy Me a Little Note

A tattooed lady's revenge.
2004-06-01 - 10:45 p.m.

I had a rather odd conversation with the strange/perverted little man across the street (Yes, AGAIN! Shut up! Ha.) For those of you who don�t know or may not remember, this is the same little man whom I�ve caught on two occasions jumping up and down in my front planter area (all 5�3" or 5'4� of him) trying to look in my bathroom window. I was sitting down on my lawn planting some plants when he walked up behind me. Apparently the hem of my shirt was up just enough for him to see part of my lower back, exposing the top of my tattoo. So here�s how our conversation went:

�Do you have a tattoo?�


�Then what�s that on your back?�

�A tattoo.�

�Then why did you say you didn�t have a tattoo when you do?�

�For the same reason you asked me if I had one when you could already see that I do.�

�Do you know what they say about women with tattoos?�

�Well, that would depend on who the "they" was you are referring to.�

�You know, people in general.� (At this point I got up, brushed myself off, turn on the hose and began to water my plants.)

�Well, since I do what I want to do, when I want to do it, and could care less what anyone else thinks of what I do or how I do it, then I really don�t care what �they� say about women with tattoos.�

�Do you know what "I" think of women with tattoos?� (Said with a bit of a sneer in his voice)

�No, but if I ever do, I�ll be sure and ask your wife.�

�You�ve been talking to my wife?� (He asked, now with a somewhat worried expression on his face.)

�Only once. She told me if you ever came over here bothering me and acting weird again that I should turn the hose on you.�

I never had this conversation with her, but apparently the thought of going home soaking wet, and his wife possibly knowing how he got that way and why was enough for him to bid a hasty retreat. Yeah, I�m rotten, but hey, if I don�t look out for myself who will?


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