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A Crystal Ball
2004-03-23 - 11:22 p.m.

There have been times I wish I had a crystal ball in which to look into the future and see what lies just around the next bend. But, I think that there�s a good reason God has chosen to not give us the ability to see too far ahead. All to often, that small glimpse would be far too overwhelming. I believe we know what we need to know, when we need to know it. And, that whatever happens, good or bad, happens for a reason.

In my own life I have questioned how I may have done things differently if I had only known the outcome of events. If I had known over 8 years ago, when I first quit my job to care for Mom, that it was not going to be for �just a few months� as I had originally thought, would I have done things differently? I�d like to think not, but I do wonder how different my life would be at this point. Don�t get me wrong; I have no regrets with the decisions I made. After all, they were my own decisions. But I daydream what it�d be like to have gotten married, had at least 2 children�so many things.

Being alone is not always easy. It can be a very bitter pill to swallow. I think it must be a bit easier for men. They don�t have to deal with the �fear factors� that women do. By that I�m referring to safety issues. The need to keep an unlisted phone number, using the term �We�re� not home on the answering machine, an alarm for the house, in my own case, a stalker and a peeping-tom neighbor, etc. Not that these are good enough reasons to get married mind you, but they definitely would make it a bit easier to sleep at night.

Speaking of sleeping at night�.This time Sweet Pea has learned a very cute trick all on her own. No, not anything like Bubba�s little trick. This trick actually IS cute. The last few nights I�ve been staying up late, working on things in the house, and playing on the computer. She and her brother always wait patiently near by, waiting for me to settle down and go to sleep so they can lie at me feet (by morning they are both on either side of my head.) I guess she�s grown tired of waiting for me to go to bed. Now, she goes in and gets my teddy bear off my bed (yes, I�m 41 and sleep with a teddy bear. Get Over It!) and drops it at my feet. If I don�t pick it up right away, she�ll pick it up again and toss it in the air and growl at it. The first time she did this I laughed hysterically at her silly antics. She let me know right away; that this was the wrong response she was hoping for. She started crying and whimpering. as if her little Puggy heart had been broken. I soon realized this was her way of saying �Enough is enough Mom. Time to go to bed.�

As I am typing these last few words, a teddy bear has now been placed gently at my feet. That�s my cue, so I shall now head off to dream land. Who�s says I�m the Master???


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