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PUGS not Drugs
2003-10-07 - 1:48 a.m.

Some days it just seems too much effort to go through the routine of getting up, dressed, makeup, etc...I just want to say, the heck with it. Let the painters show up and see me in my comfy gown and no makeup. Who cares if I scare them to death. But, I have no choice but to rise again and see what the day holds for me.

The dogs, Bubba and Sweet Pea,have to be let out, or pay the consequences. On more than one occasion, I have come home and was amazed, with all the peeing and pooping, that I didn't find a rainbow in the middle of the living room. They're cute, but....Just cute enough to get by with it I guess. I keep them around for the shear entertainment value only. Being Pugs, they are useless as far as watch dogs. Oh, let a cat meow on TV, or the trash man come down the street, and they're on it baby! But if someone comes to the door, nothing! All they do is run to their food bowls and start eatting as fast as they can, because they are sure that, whoever is at the door, is after their dried dog food.

And why is it that it seems as though I am the only one in this world with a clock? The painters, who are painting the outside of my house, were to arrive at 7:30, but showed up close to 9:00. They were to stay until 4:00, but left at 3:15. They were suppose to be done in 3 days, today was day 4, and they THINK, if it doesn't rain, that they MIGHT be done on Wednesday. I'll believe it when I see it. The insurance guy was suppose to be here at 2:30, 3:30, 5:00, and now tomorrow between 8:30 and 12:30. I have to think that someone sent out a memo announcing that I have no life. If I were to try and have one, it'd be impossible with all these set backs.

I guess I'm just running short of patience at times. Maybe it's stress, or age (Yuck! That was hard to even write!), or who knows what. I think what triggered it off this time is finding out the Police Officer who wrote the second report, involving actually arresting the woman who hit my car and ran, made no mention of alcohol in the report. I have found now that I have no patience when it comes to incompetience either.

Well, enough ranting and raving for the night. Guess I'll try and get some sleep.


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